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crystal healing

 classes for kids and teens:

Zen Kids and Zen Gen

zen kids

After teaching many adult online classes to promote relaxation, peace, and healing I started thinking about how much easier it would have been for myself and my students to attain such a state of mind if we were taught this from childhood. Then, it wouldn’t feel like something we had to learn, it would just be part of our inner skill set.

Studies have shown that kids who meditate are less likely to fall into addiction and have less emotional and behavioral issues within their homes and schools. Overall, they have a healthier mindset and mental health

Being a mom to kids who suffered from trauma, I've found that these approaches, if taught from early childhood, would've made their journey a lot more manageable. Between my experience as a mother, teacher and healer, I know teaching these practices to today's children will be beneficial to their lives and the future of the world!

I created Zen Kids and Zen Gen to help your kids/teens navigate the ever changing energy they are faced with in today’s world with grace and ease. Your kids/teens will develop a new mindset that is filled with confidence and curiosity allowing them to connect with the magic of The Universe that is all around them ✨






















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Zen Kids

Zen Kids Class Breakdown


Class 1 - Energy Basics or Energy 101.
>> This class will teach your crystal kid(s) what energy is and how it relates to them and the world around them. It will also teach them the importance and responsibility of being kind with their energy towards themselves and others. This class is designed to be interactive and fun.


Class 2 - Mindfulness Matters.
>> This class will teach your zen kid(s) what mindfulness is and how to be mindful about their day. This class is designed to be mindfully playful and interactive.


Class 3  - Meditation and Mantras.
>> This class will teach your kid(s) the importance and benefits of meditation. We will go over 3 different types of meditation: moving meditation, guided meditation, and silent meditation. During class, we will practice each type together. We will also learn what a mantra is and how it can improve your life. At the end of class, I will guide them to choose a mantra for themselves.

Class 4 - Introduction to Chakras.
>> This class will introduce your kid(s) to Chakras. They will learn what a chakra is and how it relates to their physical and emotional bodies. This class is geared towards teaching your child(ren) to notice how their emotions are making their body feel so that they can release any unwanted energy faster.


Class 5 - Discovering Crystals.  
In this class your crystal kid(s) will begin to learn about crystals. What is a crystal? How do they form? They will walk away from this class understanding the basic science behind crystals.

Class 6 - Crystal Healing 101

In this class, your kid(s) will explore a brief and fun history of crystal healing. They will learn how and why crystals work tel. They will also learn how to align their energy with the energy of a crystal.

Enroll in all 6 classes for $60 OR participate in individual classes at $15 each!


A few more details:

>> We are currently enrolling for Zen Kids. Stop by or call The Crystal Den to enroll.

>> Zen Kids classes are held at The Crystal Den on Saturday mornings.. Your child(ren) do not have to participate in every class to enjoy the program.  Individual classes are available.

>> If you have child(ren) ages 12 and older, scroll down for ZEN GEN details!

**Due to Covid safety measures, Zen Kids class size will be limited.  I look forward to spending time with and teaching your child(ren) about energy, meditation, crystals and more!**

Zen Gen

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Zen Gen Class Breakdown

Class 1 - Everything is energy. Even YOU.

In this class, your teen will learn about life force energy, how they can harness it and how it relates to them. They will learn how to identify, ground, and protect their energy. Your zen teen(s) will understand what it means to hold space and have empathy towards others while not absorbing the energy of others. They will also learn what it means to be responsible with their own energy!

Class 2 - Creating a Sacred Space
In this class, your zen teen(s) will learn that their environment and what they surround themselves with plays a pivotal role in their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. This interactive experience will help your teen(s) cultivate a sacred space they can return to over and over again.


Class 3  - Generation C for Crystal
This class takes a brief look at the history of crystal healing and the impact crystals are making in current times. Your crystal teen(s) will explore the how’s and why’s of crystal healing and discuss frequency and vibration. They will also explore a variety of crystals, learn about their healing benefits and how to align with the energy of the crystals.

Class 4 - Chakra Balancing

During this class, your teen will learn about chakras and how they relate to their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. They will take an interactive chakra quiz to become aware of which chakras are blocked in their system. From there, they will learn how to balance their chakras with crystals and other holistic approaches.

Class 5 - Crystal Grid Making
Crystal Grids are a simple, fun, effective way to work with your crystals and their energy. In this class, your teen will learn how to create their own crystal grid by setting intentions and aligning the energy of their intentions with their grid.

Class 6 - Find Your Zen

In this class, your teen will learn to find their joy in a chaotic world through meditation and mindfulness. We will explore different types of meditation and holistic approaches to help navigate the complex energy that today’s teens face.

Get access to all 6 classes for $60 OR get access to individual classes at $15 each!


A few more details:

>> We are currently enrolling for Zen Gen.  Stop by or call The Crystal Den to enroll.

>> Zen Gen classes are held on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 at The Crystal Den. Your teen(s) do not have to be participate in every class to enjoy the program.  

**Due to Covid safety measures, Zen Gen classes size will be limited. I look forward to spending time with and teaching your teen(s) about energy, meditation, crystals and more!**

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577 W Tuscarawas Ave, Barberton, OH 44203

Brick and Mortar store hours

Saturday  || 10am- 4pm

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© 2020 by The Crystal Den

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